Academic Outputs of the EuroFam COST Action CA18123: Preparation of the Final Reports: Publications, Conference Presentations, Research Project

Participant details
Sviatlana Karpava
Home institution
University of Cyprus
VMG information
Host(s) institution(s)
University of Donja Gorica, Montenegro
Field of research interest
Family language policy, child and parents’ needs, challenges and opportunities in minority and immigrant contexts, bilingualism, multilingualism, equity, equality and diversity.
Host researcher(s)
Branko Bošković
Affiliations of participants
University of Cyprus; University of Donja Gorica, Montenegro
Dates for the VMG
Tuesday, August 8, 2023 to Friday, September 1, 2023
Title for the VMG
Academic Outputs of the EuroFam COST Action CA18123: Preparation of the Final Reports: Publications, Conference Presentations, Research Projects
Summary of the research
The VMG was an excellent opportunity to advance the progress in research coordination and/or capacity building and deliverables. Dr Karpava had a chance to devote more time on co-ordinating with all WGs on identifying and taking advantage of dissemination opportunities as well as on encouraging network members to share working progress of Eurofamnet both in conferences and social media. The main focus was on the preparation of the reports on the academic/research output, but the new effective ways and dissemination strategies were also discussed, such as effective use of social media channels, ongoing enhancement of Eurofamnet website, creating pathways for dissemination through academic channels, developing methods to tell stories about family support to reach families and policy makers, coordinating with WG 1 on major dissemination processes and events. The outcomes of the VMG were the compilation, design, edition and publication of EurofamNet members activities: conferences, papers and projects. This was done in the format of reports.
VMG report
Outcomes and achieved outputs
The rationale of this Virtual Mobility Grant was to have a collaboration and synergy between WG1 and WG5 in order to find the most efficient ways of dissemination activities and results. The main focus was on the preparation of final reports on academic and research outputs of the Cost Action members (2019-2023). This Virtual Mobility Grant was focused on the analysis of the articles/publications, conference presentation and research grants/ projects by members of the COST ActionCA18123: The European Family Support Network. A bottom-up, evidence-based and multidisciplinary approach. The main objectives of the Virtual Mobility Grant was collaboration with the WG1-5 members in order to collect relevant data and to compile it into reports based on the critical analysis of the data, academic and research output of the cost action members. The reports include recent research published by Cost Action members in international academic journals, book chapters and conference proceedings in 2019-2023 as well as conference presentations and research projects. These academic outputs reflect the contribution of the Cost Action members to the EuroFam and showcase good practices, theoretical and practical implications of the research being conducted by the network. All MC and WG members were asked to submit the relevant data (by 15/07/2023) regarding their research outputs via the Cost Action Intranet The reports were prepared based on the data submitted and presented during the MC Meeting in 2023. All the members had the chance to provide feedback, suggest changes and add information. The main outputs of the VMG were: (1) The report based on the analysis of the conference presentations by members of the COST Action CA18123: The European Family Support Network. A bottom-up, evidence-based and multidisciplinary approach. It includes recent research work presented by Cost Action members at local and international conferences and workshops in 2019-2023. (2) The report based on the analysis of the articles/publications by members of the COST Action CA18123: The European Family Support Network. A bottom-up, evidence-based and multidisciplinary approach. It includes recent research published by Cost Action members in international academic journals, book chapters and conference proceedings in 2019-2023. (3) The report based on the analysis of international/national research projects by members of the COST Action CA18123: The European Family Support Network. A bottom-up, evidence-based and multidisciplinary approach. It includes the information on national and international research projects that are being or have been conducted by Cost Action members in 2019-2023.These academic outputs reflect the contribution of the Cost Action members to EurofamNet and showcase good practices, theoretical and practical implications of the research being conducted by the network. All Cost Action members have the chance to provide feedback, suggest changes and to add information.
Benefits for the COST Action Strategy
The Virtual Mobility Grant obviously contributed to the COST Excellence and Inclusiveness Policy and to the Action plans for stakeholder engagement. It fostered the participation of NNC, IPC, and the approved virtual networking strategy. Dr Karpava, MC member from Cyprus, is the representative of Inclusiveness Target Country (ITC). Her collaboration with other members of the EuroFam network and MC members of other European countries and ITCs strengthened the Cost policy and commitment to bringing out excellence and inclusiveness in science Europe-wide and clearing away obstacles by offering low-barrier entry research networks and creating interdisciplinary research cooperation opportunities for researchers. VMG, its online mode and collaborative nature boosted EuroFam through bottom-up, open and excellence-driven COST actions. VMG allowed the development of capacity building of the WG5, increased connectedness between all members of the Cost Action via its low-barrier access process to networks of excellence. The VMG was in line with the COST inclusiveness policy developed around three main elements: geographical spread, career stage: involving young researchers and gender balance. Both Dr Karpava and Dr Boskovic, WG5 Co-leaders come from the ITCs, Cyprus and Montenegro, while the WG1 member, Ana Pizarro Carmona, comes from non-ITC, Spain. Obviously, there is a gender balance and representation of both young stage and senior researchers. The fulfilment of the VMG contributed to the aims of the WG5 and the EuroFam in general as well as to the COST inclusiveness objectives such as identifying excellence in science and technology across Europe, increasing research communities’ access to funding and infrastructures, triggering structural changes in Members’ national research systems.The VMG encouraged young researchers to set up and lead COST Action, as well as manage COST Action grants by increasing brain circulation between peripheral regions to research intensive territories. It ensured equal opportunities and gender-friendly career advancement.
Virtual collaboration
The VMG was an excellent opportunity to advance the progress in research coordination and/or capacity building and deliverables. Dr Karpava had a chance to devote more time on co-ordinating with all WGs on identifying and taking advantage of dissemination opportunities as well as on encouraging network members to share working progress of Eurofamnet both in conferences and social media. The main focus was on the preparation of the reports on the academic/research output, but the new effective ways and dissemination strategies were also discussed, such as effective use of social media channels, ongoing enhancement of Eurofamnet website, creating pathways for dissemination through academic channels, developing methods to tell stories about family support to reach families and policy makers, coordinating with WG1 on major dissemination processes and events. The outcomes of the VMG were the compilation, design, edition and publication of EurofamNet members activities: conferences, papers and projects. This was done in the format of reports. Apart from that, Dr Karpava had online meetings and collaboration with other members of WG1-5 and discussed dissemination strategies and deliverables such as EurofamNet Dissemination Strategy Document, Action Interactive Platform, Monitoring reports on Action’s dissemination activities and on Action’s impact on traditional and social media as well as newsletters, flyers, social media presence on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Online meetings, discussions, draft revisions and improvement were possible due to the VMG and led to the effective compilation of the academic/research output and work on the most effective ways and strategies of dissemination of the Cost Action results. The VMG boosted the collaboration between the WG1 and WG5, which works on how to best organise and encourage dissemination of activities and results of Eurofamnet. WG5 plays a key role in ensuring the Eurofamnet has impact on policy, practice and the lives of children and parents. It works on how to best organise and encourage dissemination of activities and results of Eurofamnet. WG5 coordinates closely with each of the other WGs in publicising the Action and disseminating the results of its work. WG5 has developed a dissemination strategy built on seven dissemination channels: research dissemination at conferences, research publications and journals, research advice to European and National policy makers and European and International Organisations, research dissemination and knowledge exchange with professionals, research dissemination and knowledge exchange with children’s, parents’ and families’ representatives, research dissemination and knowledge exchange with the Non-Statutory Sector, research dissemination and knowledge exchange with society at large. This VMG was focused mainly on the first two channels. WG1-5 members provided their guidance and advice during the process of the report preparation.