Evaluating the implementation and sustainability of an evidence-based parenting program in real-world community settings

Participant details
Name and surname
Rita Pinto
Home institution
Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences at the University of Porto
Location of the Training School
Faro, Portugal
Dates for the Training School
Thursday, July 4, 2024 to Friday, July 5, 2024
Training School Title
Family support and research for social impact
Research interests
Implementation of parenting interventions in community settings.
TS details
Knowledge and skill acquisition

Participating in the TS in Faro allowed me to combine my passion for research in the field of family support with my motivation to improve my skills in producing quality research with social impact. I acquired a greater depth of theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of quality family support and with transferable skills to produce research with social impact. The training sessions and group discussions, with their richness and relevance, offered us a comprehensive view of how quality family support and research with social impact can be developed and communicated. I will incorporate these learnings into my research project, (re)thinking about my current research (e.g., different ways of communicating my research to directly reach a wider audience) and in the planning of proposed research in the future (e.g., new methods of data collection and involving participants). 


In the Training School, I presented a communication sharing with the young and senior researchers my ongoing Ph.D. research project entitled “The Implementation of Evidence-Based Parenting Programs in Real-World Community Settings”. I also had the opportunity to share with the audience what I have done or am planning to do to generate social impact with my research, such as communicating my research findings beyond academia (e.g., writing a policy brief).

Future collaborations

Through the TS in Faro, I met new young and senior researchers with whom I will keep in touch for possible future collaborations. 

Video and/or quote describing the experience

Participating in this TS was an excellent opportunity to develop international networking in a stimulating environment and acquire new knowledge and practices to conduct more relevant research on quality family support.