Final Results Brochure + Processing of Action deliverables

Participant details
Jean Grasmeijer
Home institution
University of Huelva
VMG information
Host(s) institution(s)
University of Seville, University of Galway
Field of research interest
Clinical psychology, Positive Youth Development
Host researcher(s)
Lucía Jiménez, John Canavan
Affiliations of participants
University of Sevilla, University of Galway
Dates for the VMG
Monday, August 14, 2023 to Friday, September 1, 2023
Title for the VMG
Final Results Brochure + Processing of Action deliverables
Summary of the research
The VMG has served the purpose of producing the Final Results Brochure, a formal deliverable of the Action. It was given shape through several meetings with the graphic editor. Currently, the Final Brochure presents the updated information about the Action, including links to each of the activities, outputs and resources on the website. In addition, the VMG allowed me to contribute to processing the remaining deliverables of the Action, an urgent task that needed to be done before the end of the Action. This work included giving the appropriate format to the deliverables upon reception from the authors, including an ISBN number and archiving the invoices for proofreading / ISBN duly to justify the costs incurred to COST.
VMG report
Outcomes and achieved outputs
The VMG has served the purpose of producing the Final Results Brochure, a formal deliverable of the Action. It was given shape through several meetings with the graphic editor. Currently, the Final Brochure presents the updated information about the Action, including links to each of the activities, outputs and resources on the website. The work on the Brochure is ongoing, as the grantee and the graphic editor are working on several additional pages, going into more depth into the results of each working group of the Action, as well as highlighting the different sections of the Toolbox on the Action’s website. In addition, the grantee has contributed to processing the remaining deliverables of the Action, an urgent task that needed to be done before the end of the Action. This work included giving the appropriate format to the deliverables upon reception from the authors, including an ISBN number and archiving the invoices for proofreading / ISBN duly to justify the costs incurred to COST.
Benefits for the COST Action Strategy
The Final Results Brochure provides a comprehensive overview of the Action’s work done over the last 4 years. It is an important tool for dissemination, as it is presented in a brief format with an atractive design, which facilitates the dissemination of Action results among academic and non academic readers, such as policy makers, practitioners and families.
Virtual collaboration
The virtual collaboration was very efficient. Regarding the Final Results Brochure, the grantee would present the ongoing work to the host researchers after each proposal from the graphic editor, they would discuss the progress and the grantee would convey the feedback to the editor. The knowledge of the Action Chair and Vice-chair on the outputs of the Action were crucial for this objective. Concerning the processing of the deliverables towards the closing of the Action, the grantee worked closely together with Virtual Networking Support manager Ana Pizarro Carmona, with the ongoing supervision of the host researchers.