Pathways for the implementation of a positive parenting programme for vulnerable families: a participatory research

Participant details
Name and surname
Lucía González Pasarín
Home institution
Universitat de Lleida, Spain
Location of the Training School
Faro, Portugal
Dates for the Training School
Thursday, July 4, 2024 to Friday, July 5, 2024
Training School Title
Family support and research for social impact
Research interests
Positive parenting, foster care, vulnerable families, child protection
TS details
Knowledge and skill acquisition
  • Consensus methods to use in family support research.
  • Key ideas to properly develop policy briefs to reach policymakers and stakeholders, as well as to disseminate key aspects of my research.
  • Alternative languages to engage population in general and create social impact. It allows me to reflect on different ways to transmit the results of the research project to target groups.
  • Derived from the quality assurance protocol and the analysis of the 9 country reports, consider the recommendations made in the development of my current and future research.

Summary of the study presented included in the Proceeding Book of the Training School. Furthermore, presentation will be available in EurofamNet Webpage (Training School Resources:

Future collaborations

Possible future collaboration with Portuguese colleague from the University of Algarve.

Video and/or quote describing the experience