Using learning and innovation labs in service delivery

Participant details
Name and surname
Violeta Markovic, PhD
Home institution
Faculty of Political Science, University of Belgrade
Location of the Training School
Faro, Portugal
Dates for the Training School
Thursday, July 4, 2024 to Friday, July 5, 2024
Training School Title
Family support and research for social impact
Research interests
Family support, child protection, migration
TS details
Knowledge and skill acquisition

Please describe what you have learned during the Training School in terms of knowledge and/or skills and how you will incorporate these learnings into your current research project.

This training school was a great opportunity for me to learn how to disseminate the results of my projects and research results in a way that can be understandable to different target groups – stakeholders, practitioners, policy makers and beneficiaries. I have gained a valuable knowledge for my future work, which will help me promote my research result to a wider audience using different languages of communication and different modes of dissemination.


Please provide a brief summary of any outputs from the Training School (poster, report, etc.).

I have presented a project that I am working on with my colleagues on how to use Innovation LABs in service provision for vulnerable families. Our project is focusing on Roma families in Serbia, and the provision of early childhood development services and ways to promote and adapt these services to the needs of these families. The presented project and the presentation itself will be published in the next Newsletter of the Erasmus+ project that our project is part of. The Erasmus+ project’s name is Learning and Innovation LAB - LINK. The materials can be found at:

Future collaborations

From this training school there is a plan to do a joint research project inside our Young Researchers Group on family support topic. There are still details to be discussed, however, the plan is to do it together and utilize the knowledge and skills learned from this experience.

Video and/or quote describing the experience

An amazing training school that helped me gain new knowledge and skills on social impact of research and ways to promote it.