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Delivering the Standard Triple P parenting program in child protection services: The impact of implementation and practitioner c Sep 8 2023 - 10:29am

Delivering the Standard Triple P parenting program in child protection services: The impact of implementation and practitioner characteristics on intervention outcomes.

Good practices from the governments of the European Union: the EU Child Guarantee as a first step in the right direction Sep 8 2023 - 10:27am

Discussion on the situation of single mothers in diverse contexts across the world. Their vulnerability to poverty and exclusion, the multiple challenges they face, and the solutions that are implemented to support them, notably in accessing decent work. Examples of good practices from the governments of the European Union: the EU Child Guarantee as a first step in the right direction.

Care on the Move and the consequences for mothers Sep 8 2023 - 10:25am

EU free movement rules constitute, today, a cornerstone aspect of the EU citizenship regime. However, in the context of the gender care gap, where unpaid care work concerns mostly women, EU free movement isn’t enjoyed equally between men and women. Full-time caring responsibilities or a combination of unpaid care and economic activity induce a decrease in the quality of EU free movement rights and protections.

Parents, key stakeholders for child rights in the digital environment Sep 8 2023 - 10:24am

Including, educating and supporting parents in the process of helping children navigate the digital environment safely and responsibly is key to mitigate the digital risks and preserve a child’s physical and mental integrity.

Gender Transformative parenting – why it matters for our future Sep 8 2023 - 10:22am

The panel spotlighted how the involvement of fathers – alongside mothers – with their children, from the earliest age, is crucial for their proper development and the achievement of their full potential.

Ensuring universal access to maternal healthcare in the European Union. Sep 8 2023 - 10:22am

Make Mothers Matter and the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) joint paper on ensuring universal access to maternal healthcare in the European Union. The paper calls for the Child Guarantee to include universal access to maternal healthcare, as the health of the mother and the health of the child are intrinsically linked. A child’s first 1000 days sets a foundation for their mental and emotional health in addition to their physical, cognitive and social development.

In this together: share the care, transform tomorrow Sep 8 2023 - 10:21am

Virtual side event (on the margins of the High Level Political Forum, UN) on how Sharing The Care at every level - family, community, governments and private sector - is vital for gender equality and the wellbeing of all.

European family policy based - is children entitled to family policy and support, cfr UNCRC Art 27? Sep 8 2023 - 10:20am

The presentation is based on the work of the COST -Action EUROFAM- The European family support network. It takes as its starting point the report The conceptualisation and delivery of family policy and support in Europe: A Review of international and European frameworks and standards (H.Churchill et al 2021).

Development of Professional Identity of Prospective EFL Teachers in Cyprus. Sep 8 2023 - 10:14am

Development of Professional Identity of Prospective EFL Teachers in Cyprus. Languaging Diversity 2023: Languaging identities in changing times-challenges and opportunities, 14-16 December 2023, The University of Turin, Italy

The Language Policies of Multilingual Families during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Cyprus, Estonia, Germany, Israel, and Sweden. Sep 8 2023 - 10:13am

The Language Policies of Multilingual Families during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Cyprus, Estonia, Germany, Israel, and Sweden. ECREA Diaspora, Migration and the Media - International and Intercultural Communication Sections Conference, 7-9 December 2023, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Multilingual Linguistic Landscape in Cyprus: Language Documentation and Pragmatic Cultural Analysis. Sep 8 2023 - 10:11am

Documenting languages, documenting cultures migration, minorities, dialects, Department of Humanities University Federico II, Naples, Italy, 5-6 October 2023

Supporting Language Learning in Multilingual Families: The Impact of English. Sep 8 2023 - 10:10am

Sviatlana Karpava (2023). Supporting Language Learning in Multilingual Families: The Impact of English. Research on Social and Affective Factors in Home Language Maintenance and Development (HOLM 2023), Tallinn, Estonia, December 14-16, 2023.

New experiences and learning opportunities in heritage and majority languages during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sep 8 2023 - 10:09am

Anastassia Zabrodskaja, Natasha Ringblom, Anna Ritter, Natalia Meir, Sviatlana Karpava (2023).
New experiences and learning opportunities in heritage and majority languages during the COVID-19 pandemic. Panel: Opening-up language in education policy to migrant and heritage languages. 56th Annual Conference of the British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL), Wednesday 23rd August – Friday 25th August 2023, University of York, UK

The Analysis of Disfluencies in Telling/Retelling Modes of Narratives. Sep 8 2023 - 10:09am

Sviatlana Karpava (2023). The Analysis of Disfluencies in Telling/Retelling Modes of Narratives. The 32nd Conference of the European Second Language Association, University of Birmingham, EuroSLA32, 30 August- 2 September 2023. (poster presentation accepted

Narratives of Russian Heritage Speakers in Cyprus: The Analysis of Disfluencies Sep 8 2023 - 10:08am

Sviatlana Karpava (2023). Narratives of Russian Heritage Speakers in Cyprus: The Analysis of Disfluencies. 18th Annual Meeting of the Slavic Linguistics Society (SLS‑18), August 24 – 26, 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, Ľudovít Štúr Institute of Linguistics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Faculty of Arts, Comenius University

Development of Language Teacher Identity Sep 8 2023 - 10:08am

27th International PAAL 2023 Conference: Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 17-18 August 2023, Bunkyo University, Tokyo, Japan.

A Pragmatic Cultural Analysis of Multilingual Linguistic Landscape in Cyprus. Sep 8 2023 - 10:07am

Sviatlana Karpava (2023). A Pragmatic Cultural Analysis of Multilingual Linguistic Landscape in Cyprus. The 18th International Pragmatics Conference, organized by the International Pragmatics Association (IPrA -, Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), in Brussels, Belgium, 9-14 July 2023.

The interrelationship of family language policies, emotions, socialisation practices and language management strategies. Sep 8 2023 - 10:07am

Sviatlana Karpava (2023). The interrelationship of family language policies, emotions, socialisation practices and language management strategies. AILA 2023 - 20th Anniversary Congress, Lyon, France, 17 July - 21 July 2023 

Translanguaging as a condition for the transmission of Russian among young heritage speakers. Sep 8 2023 - 10:06am

TIM2023: Translanguaging in the Age of (Im)mobility. Fourth International Conference on Translanguaging,
Colloquium: Languages in progress – translanguaging approach among parents and teachers, Organizers: Gudrun Svensson and Ann-Christin Torpsten, Linnaeus University in Växjö and Kalmar

Translanguaging as a condition for the transmission of Russian among young heritage speakers. Sep 8 2023 - 10:05am

TIM2023: Translanguaging in the Age of (Im)mobility. Fourth International Conference on Translanguaging,
Colloquium: Languages in progress – translanguaging approach among parents and teachers, Organizers: Gudrun Svensson and Ann-Christin Torpsten, Linnaeus University in Växjö and Kalmar