3rd Call for STSM Application

COST CA 18123 – The European Family Support Network. A bottom-up, evidence-based and multidisciplinary approach (EuroFam-Net)

The COST Action CA 18123 launches its third call for Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs).

Due to the difficult and unpredictable pandemic situation, this third call with give the opportunity to potential applicants to apply whenever there will be a higher chance of movement between European countries.

STSMs are funded as part of the Action CA 18123. The research network itself is funded by COST European Cooperation in Science and Technology.

Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) are institutional visits that promote researchers to conduct research, learn new research techniques, use instruments or strategies which are not available in their own institution, develop research skills in another COST country by promoting existing and new networks, fostering collaboration and contributing to the scientific objectives of the Action. The Action aims to build collaborative pathways between researchers, practitioners, policy-makers, children and families, public and private agencies, and general society to create the necessary framework that allows to inform family policies and practices with the underlying goal of ensuring children’s rights and families’ well-being.

Third call characteristics:

  • The COST Action CA18123 has five Working Groups. STSMs can contribute to the specific related tasks of the working groups, particularly tasks related to WG 2, 3, and 4. 
  • The third call covers the grant period from September 2020 until April 2021, and during this period STSMs should be completed.
  • The call will fund 5 STSMs up to EUR 2000.

Potential applicants that are interested to submit an application should read the  PDF icon  STSM guidelines for more details about eligibility, criteria for evaluation, financial support, criteria for reimbursement and how to apply.

Interested applicants should sign in to e-COST profile (or sign up if they do not have a profile) and apply online on the webpage: http://www.cost.eu/STSM

Documents for interested applicants:

 File  STSM Template for Admission Letter

 File  STSM Template for Complete Proposal

 File  STSM Template for Scientific Report

 File  STSM Template for Certificate

 File  STSM Template for Webpage Summary


  • Application Period: November 1st 2020 – 31th March 2021 (The call will be open as long as the budget is available with the last deadline 31th of March 2021)
  • Applications will be assessed within 7 days from the submission


STSM Coordinator: Oriola Hamzallari (oriolahamzallari@gmail.com)

Further information on the COST Action CA 18123 and Working Groups is available on the website: https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA18123

Further details can be consulted at the COST Vademecum: https://www.cost.eu/funding/how-to-get-funding/documents-and-guidelines/