Quality of Childhood (QoC) talk - Save the date!

Together with Alliance for Childhood, EurofamNet will co-host an event at the European Parliament with the objective to advocate for family support at a high policy level, by introducing key messages from the Network, as well as its future projection. The QoC talk, entitled "Supporting families to meet children’s needs by making quality family support a right for all children", will take place on 9th March 2023 from 10.00 to 12.00 CET.

You can follow the event online via this link: https://ep.interactio.eu/n9mb-sy1r-rp9z

Following the QoC talk, there will be an informal meeting at the offices of Make Mothers Matter, jointly organised with the Learning for Well-being Foundation, from 12.30 until 14.00 CET where participants will get a chance to continue conversation with speakers and discuss implications of the presentation.


  • 10.00 Word of welcome
    Christopher Clouder, Alliance for Childhood European Network Group
  • 10.10 Word of welcome and a contribution from the European Parliament
    MEP Helmut Geuking
  • 10.20 A framework for child and family support in Europe. Contributions from the European Family Support Network
    Lucía Jiménez, University of Seville (Spain) & John Canavan, University of Galway, Chair and Vice Chair of EurofamNet
  • 10.30 Quality standards in family support provision
    Metin Özdemir, Örebro University (Sweden)
  • 10.50 Implementing evidence-based practices as a model for professional practice for quality family support: A comparative study
    María José Rodrigo, University of La Laguna, Coordinator of the Advisory Committee of the Ministry of Social Rights and 2030 Agenda in positive parenting (Spain)
  • 11.10 Discussion among participants
    Facilitator Christopher Clouder
  • 11.55 Closing remarks
    Christopher Clouder, Alliance for Childhood European Network Group
  • 12.30 - 14.00 Post QoC session. To enter more in depth on the topic through an informal session with speakers
    Host: Johanna Schima from Make Mothers Matter
    Co-Chair : Daniel Kropf from the Learning for Well-being Foundation

Contact: support@eurofamnet.eu