Special Issue: Mental Health and Well-being in Children

Mental disorders are the largest cause of the burden of disease in the world. Evidence is accumulating on the broad impact that the well-being experienced during childhood and adolescence has on physical and mental health across the course of a lifetime. In fact, most of the disease burden affecting adults has its onset during childhood and adolescence.

There has been a growing concern about the mental health and well-being of children, with increasing demand for counselling services and referrals to mental health services. Family factors, including the quality of parental care, can make a huge difference to children’s early life pathways, for better or for worse. Understanding how best to intervene to support parents is a key challenge. Thus, there is a strong need to expand our knowledge on how to reduce risk factors and to promote protective environments.

This Special Issue addresses this topic by inviting scholars to their share findings, perspectives, and approaches, with the aim of promoting child mental health and well-being. Qualitative or quantitative contributions from basic or applied research that will extend the knowledge in this field are welcomed. an Open Access Journal by MDPI Mental Health and Well-being in Children mdpi.

Dr. Cristina Nunes
Psychology Research Centre
(CIP-UAL) and University of
Algarve, Faro, Portugal



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