Same-sex parenting support in Europe

Participant details
Roman Zaporozhets
Home institution
University of Latvia
VMG information
Host(s) institution(s)
University of Latvia
Field of research interest
Medical anthropology, anthropology of family, health care policies
Host researcher(s)
Aivita Putnina
Affiliations of participants
PhD Student, University of Latvia
Dates for the VMG
Saturday, April 1, 2023 to Friday, September 1, 2023
Title for the VMG
Same-sex parenting support in Europe
Summary of the research
I assisted in literature review and data collection on same sex parenting policies as well as conducting inteerviews with stakeholders.
VMG report
Outcomes and achieved outputs
Virtual mobility grant helped to produce a policy brief on family support arrangements in Europe for same-sex parents as a part of ‘targeted needs and new realities’ incentive implemented in WG 2. The grant allowed to complete literature review and created a template for further data collection and feedback from WG2 members. So far two remote interviews with stakeholders are conducted and at least three more planned.
Benefits for the COST Action Strategy
The academic paper based on this VMG is a key deliverable for WG2, currently in a draft version. While the action focussed on conceptualizing family support and analysing it across the member countries, several areas for emerging needs were singled out. The VMG attempted to grasp one these emerging areas.
Virtual collaboration
The VMG gave space and focus of literature and policy around same sex parenting, singling out key areas where same-sex parents across Europe still experience lack of recognition, support and sometimes even discrimination.