Perception of Impressive Experiences During the Confinement on Portuguese and Brazilian Families: A Qualitative Study


The current pandemic situation due to COVID-19 has constrained confinement measures, which changed family routines, leading to adjustments of parental practices. In this context of balance between tension and support, the present study aimed at analyzing the perception of impressive experiences during the confinement in family life in Portugal and Brazil. As part of a broader research, it was applied an online questionnaire with questions about sociodemographic data and an open question focusing on important events in the family life during the lockdown period. Answers to the question were analyzed from 280 fathers and mothers in Portugal and 94 in Brazil using the grounded theory principles. The coding of the collected responses proceded systematically from an initial open to axial categories, aided by the QSR N’Vivo software, version 12 for Mac. Multiple steps were used to the trustworthiness of the study. It was found, in both countries, despite the differences in confinement time between respondents and cultural differences, that the confinement experience brought difficulties and gains for the Brazilian and the Portuguese families. The difficulties were referred to changes in family organization and consequences on the physical and mental health of its members. Related to gains, confinement allowed a greater coexistence and the re-signification of family dynamics, with gains being identified in proximal relationships with the children, between the couple, and among family members in general. Positive repercussions on personal life were also reported. The results indicate the need of parenting support and strengthening of family and parental resilience.

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Conference presentation