Validation of the interview for the assessment of the parental competencies


Parental competencies constitute one of the central contents of the programs for the promotion of positive parenting. Although there are several selfadministered instruments aimed at assessing specific parental competencies, in the Spanish-speaking context there are no validated tools applicable to families in vulnerable situations that allow for a comprehensive and ecological assessment of parental competencies. The aim of this study was to analyze the psychometric properties of the Interview for the Evaluation of Parental Competencies (ECP-12), for which 593 parental figures (85% women; M = 42.19, SD = 7.83) from families at psychosocial risk were interviewed. The ECP-12 consists of 53 indicators that evaluate 12 parental competencies derived from a systematic review of the literature, an analysis of the content validity and a pilot test of its initial version, which made it possible to refine the items of higher quality and to examine the dimensionality of the scale. To explore the internal structure, an Exploratory Factor Analysis was performed on half of the sample and, subsequently, on the other half of the sample, various confirmatory solutions (unifactorial, correlated factors, ESEM, bifactor and bifactor-ESEM) were contrasted by means of Confirmatory Factor Analysis. The most parsimonious factorial solution was that of the bifactor-ESEM model, considering the fit indices (RMSEA = .036, 90% CI = .030 - .041; CFI = .989; TLI = .980; SRMR=.018), as well as the reliability and various complementary indices; which is consistent with the theoretical starting model. The analyses confirm that the general factor of the ECP-12 is well defined and that its factor score can be estimated to measure parenting competencies in Spanishspeaking families. All the specific competencies contributed to the parenting competencies construct, although future studies are needed to refine the measurement of some of the competencies proposed in the ECP-12 independently.

Output type
Conference presentation
Esther Herrera Collado
Milagros Sánchez-Martín