Experience on family-support domain. Working as a speech-language pathologist I have had the opportunity to interact with many different families providing them the most suitable therapeutic program for each one of them.
Application of family-oriented therapeutic programs. In my work, I apply indirect intervention programs to reinforce parent-child interaction. These programs gave me the opportunity to expand my knowledge in family-support domain and understand families’ needs.
Knowledge on children’ development and well-being. Through my studies and my working experience, I have obtained acquaintance with both normal and abnormal children’s development.
To impart the knowledge that I have obtained through everyday clinical practice with professionals from different disciplines. In this way, I hope to enhance the effective cooperation through professionals which is essential in order to achieve our common goal.
To disseminate Action’s outputs with families and society at large. My current ambition as part of this Action is to adapt scientific knowledge so as to become accessible for everyone.
To raise awareness among European and international stakeholders in family support domain in order to provide better family care services.