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Predictors of COVID-19 related stress among parents: dyadic approach Sep 7 2023 - 12:29pm

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many parents had to reorganize their daily activities as they started working from home and their children switched to online classes. Changes in everyday life could endanger the well-being of parents and lead to higher levels of negative affect, changes in marital satisfaction or changes in the sharing of responsibilities related to childcare. The aim of this study was to investigate the predictors of stress experience during the COVID-19 pandemic in couples of mothers and fathers of children in middle childhood and early adolescence.

Changes in parenting during COVID-19 pandemic: A study with fathers and mothers in Portugal Sep 7 2023 - 12:26pm

The worldwide pandemic situation due to COVID-19 had diverse implications in the lives of families. In Portugal, after the first general confinement that was decreed in March 2020, the daily interactions and experiences of adults and children dominated the living space. Thus, the exercise of parenting also faced new dynamics and demands. This study aims to understand how the experience of confinement was associated with changes in which family functioning depends to a large extent on the way parenting is exercised.

Perception of Impressive Experiences During the Confinement on Portuguese and Brazilian Families: A Qualitative Study Sep 7 2023 - 12:25pm

The current pandemic situation due to COVID-19 has constrained confinement measures, which changed family routines, leading to adjustments of parental practices. In this context of balance between tension and support, the present study aimed at analyzing the perception of impressive experiences during the confinement in family life in Portugal and Brazil. As part of a broader research, it was applied an online questionnaire with questions about sociodemographic data and an open question focusing on important events in the family life during the lockdown period.

KonekTas - connect, share, support - Strengthening social service workforce Sep 7 2023 - 11:48am

The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted even more the environments in which children grow and develop, and to have several negative consequences for their well-being and protection. Children and families who are vulnerable due to socio-economic exclusion or those who live in residential settings are particularly at protection risks. Increased demands put on the social welfare system in the current situation to ensure protection of the most vulnerable beneficiaries place an additional burden on professionals.

Be the hand that loves and the word that guides Sep 7 2023 - 11:47am

During the last 15 years in Srbia, we have witnessed a significant change in the attitude of parents regarding which disciplinary practices yield results when it comes to forming desirable child behaviours. Today, over 90 per cent of parents agree that violent disciplining is not good for the child. The experience from professional practice and research also confirms its harmfulness. Corporal or psychological punishment harms and humiliates the child, develops mistrust and insecurity, and undesirable behaviours are often repeated.

Violence against Children on the Balkans migration route - Solutions through Advocacy and Research Sep 7 2023 - 11:47am

Le main topic of this research project deals with understanding types and manifestation of violence against migrant children as well as pushbacks experiences for those who tried to cross the border against the rules of the countries they wanted to leave.

Purpose of this study is to explore and interpret violence against migrant children and its characteristics in Serbia and Bosnia and the factors that contribute to violence and/or protection of migrant children in order to:

Advancing the wellbeing of adolescents in foster care: From Action-oriented research to better policies and practices Sep 7 2023 - 11:45am

The purpose of the research is to explore the characteristics and specificity of the well-being of adolescent's on foster care in Serbia in order to improve practice of family-type forms of care and to formulate policy recommendations that are based on research insights. The ultimate purpose of the research is to improve the wellbeing of adolescents in foster care by improving the foster-care system.

Co-creation of knowledge and building of expertise for the protection of children affected by migration and forced displacement Sep 7 2023 - 11:43am

In order to support further strengthening of the protection system in Serbia in terms of responsiveness to new vulnerabilities arising from the context of migration, UNICEF and Faculty of Political Science are jointly developing a course on Protection of Children affected by Migration and Forced Displacement with focus on those moving alone.

National Strategy of Family Policy 2023-2030, Czech Republic Sep 7 2023 - 11:42am

The new National Strategy of Family Policy summarizes objectives, indicators and action plans to improve the situation of families in the Czech Republic, ranging from preventive measures promoting healthy parenting to interventions supporting vulnerable or high-risk families.

The link below lists only main goals of the strategy - the governmental approval of the strategy is still pending.

Advocacy initiative “The right of every child to a school meal” Sep 7 2023 - 11:42am

Ivana Dobrotić, Associate Professor of Comparative Social Policy at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Law, Department of Social Work, Social Policy Chair and Associate Member in the Department of Social Policy and Intervention together with her colleagues Associate Professor Olja Družić Ljubotina, Associate Professor Marijana Kletečki Radović and Associate Professor Antonija Petričušić at the University of Zagreb succeeded to get the Croatian government to introduce one free school meal per day for every child of primary school age.

Un/Equal Childhood: Deep Dive in Child Poverty and Social Exclusion in Bulgaria, UNICEF Europe and Central Asia Regional Office Sep 7 2023 - 11:40am

There are two reports as part of this deep dive. A policy brief brings together all the findings from the research. It has been designed to help government to identify the children who should be prioritized in the Bulgaria National Action Plan and to recommend the policy measures that need to be put in place at national, regional and local levels to complement existing policy measures that have been effective in providing positive outcomes for children.

Linee di indirizzo per il sostegno alle famiglie vulnerabili e per la tutela dei bambini e dei ragazzi fuori famiglia Sep 7 2023 - 11:39am

Le Linee di indirizzo per l'intervento con bambini e famiglie in situazione di vulnerabilità, approvate il 21 dicembre 2017, intendono capitalizzare l'esperienza della sperimentazione del programma P.I.P.P.I., ormai pluriennale, che interviene sulla prevenzione dell'istituzionalizzazione attraverso il sostegno della genitorialità.
Il documento affronta il tema degli interventi di cura e protezione dei bambini nel loro ambiente familiare, ponendo una attenzione particolare agli interventi finalizzati a prevenirne l'allontanamento

Programma di Intervento Per la Prevenzione dell'Istituzionalizzazione (P.I.P.P.I.) Sep 7 2023 - 11:38am

The P.I.P.P.I. Programme – Programme of Intervention for the Prevention of Institutionalization – was launched at the end of 2010 as the result of a collaboration between the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, the Research and Intervention Laboratory in Family Education of the University of Padua, the 10 Italian Cities receiving a share of the fund under Law No. 285/1997, and the social services, as well as the services for the protection of children, such as private social cooperatives, schools, and companies managing the health services of the involved local authorities.

Delivering an individual format evidence-based parenting intervention in real-world settings to support vulnerable families Sep 7 2023 - 11:37am

The implementation of evidence-based parenting interventions (EBPI) in diverse real-world settings is a crucial translational research step to making effective programs widely available and consequently improving the lives of children and their families. Nevertheless, these programs remain underutilized in the real world, with the transferability of EBPI from research settings to real-world contexts being complex and poorly understood.

Help prepare your child for a happy, successful life. Emotional intelligence videos for mothers and their families Sep 7 2023 - 11:36am

Online Emotional Wellbeing resources. A collaboration, MMM and La Granja aiming to provide parents and families with the resources and tools they need to ensure an emotionally intelligent education as their children grow. These video series will help family members heighten their self-esteem, balance their emotions, communicate with each other, and strengthen family bonds by building trust and questioning perfectionist expectations. Some of the topics that will be covered in the videos:
The Perfect Family Syndrome
Demand vs. excellence.
Emotions – allies or enemies?

P.I.P.PI. Programme of Intervention to Prevent Institutionalization Sep 7 2023 - 11:35am

The Program of Intervention for Prevention of Institutionalization (P.I.P.P.I.) is a national research-training-intervention program aiming at contrasting child neglect and working with families living in vulnerable situations. P.I.P.P.I. is funded and promoted by the Italian Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs in cooperation with the Lab of Research and Intervention in Family Education (LabRIEF) of University of Padua.

Learning from the margins. Social inclusion of highly marginalised youth in urban setting (2019-1-DK01-KA203-060285) Sep 7 2023 - 11:33am

The baseline problem and needs analysis for the project ‘Learning from the Margins’ (LEMA) show that marginalised youth in European urban areas display low levels of inclusion and participation in the societal arenas that we know develop the individual and which can also contribute to bringing individuals out of marginalisation. At the same time, it is clear that on the professional level we are more or less checkmate compared to working with precisely the inclusion of the most marginalised young people.

Let’s break the mold, let’s shake the world: Why women cannot advance in professional roles in finance? Sep 7 2023 - 11:32am

Finance is an area still dominated by men despite figures indicating the opposite. This study wishes to investigate why women would work in investment banking (IB), but not progress into professional roles. Eighteen female employees in three banks in London will be interviewed, to explore how gender diversity could be tackled within the sector. The research will hopefully reveal the challenges that women in IB face when they seek career advancement. The research will offer recommendations for HR managers and SMTs in Finance.

Daughters of a lesser God: The impact of Covid-19 on female early career academics’ experiences of precarity with regard to work Sep 7 2023 - 11:32am

Despite increased research on gender inequality in the academy, few studies report on how it manifests within precarious work in Higher Education (HE), especially amidst the Covid-19 pandemic. This multiple case study will explore 34 academics’ experiences of precarity in 3 universities in London to unravel the challenges for these women using lengthy semi-structured interviews and opportunity and snowball sampling.

Female Educational Leaders amid the Covid-19 pandemic Sep 7 2023 - 11:31am

The current study explored the concepts and enactment of leadership and crisis management from the female leader’s perspective since very few studies, if any, have explored whether inclusive leadership can help educational institutions when they must face unprecedented challenges in terms of crises such as the Covid-19 pandemic.