Are online parenting interventions suitable for vulnerable families? A narrative review and preliminary data from an effectivene


The use of information and communication technology (ICT) to deliver parenting and mental health support services to families is not new, but has significantly increased during the Covid-19 pandemic. Despite the many advantages acknowledged regarding the use of ICT in parenting support services (e.g., flexible scheduling and enhanced accessibility), its merit to support vulnerable families (i.e., families going through circumstances where there are risks to the wellbeing of children and families’ members, such as those with low incomes, survivors from domestic violence, going through divorce, or enrolled with child protective services, among others) remains an issue for discussion.
This presentation includes two studies. Study 1 presents findings from a narrative review by members of the Working Group 3 of the Cost Action EurofamNet (CA18123) to illustrate the diverse ways in which ICT is being used across Europe to provide family support to different populations. In the review, a distinction is made between the use of ICT in professional-led and peer-led support, implementation examples with vulnerable families from across Europe are presented, and potential advantages and disadvantages discussed.
Study 2 presents preliminary findings of a quasi-experimental study comparing different formats (in-person, through videoconference, or in a combination of both) of an evidence-based parenting intervention versus control (i.e., individual professional-led parenting support sessions) for parents referred to parenting support services in community-based settings by the Portuguese child protective services. Differential outcomes by delivery methods for parent and child mental health (parent’s stress, anxiety and depression, child’s stress) and behavior (parenting behaviors, styles, and sense of competence, and child’s behavior and social competence) will be presented.
To conclude the presentation, the main developments and challenges related to the use of ICT in parenting support for vulnerable families will be presented to guide decision-making as to when and how ICT can be used to optimize parenting support, as well as critical reflections and essential next steps for future research.

Output type
Conference presentation
C. Canário