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Family Support Workforce Skills: In Search of Conceptualization Sep 8 2023 - 11:05am

Skills used in of family support workforce practice are implemented in different national, and system settings and professions. The conceptual assumptions and epistemological frameworks of diversity are a challenge in family support as a unique child-rights and child-protection perspective. Various paradigms of intervention, different sectors and disciplinary involvement indicate the need to systematize and clarify knowledge in the field.

Family support workforce skills and parenting support as a part of Symposia “Evidence-informed family support as a paradigm for Sep 8 2023 - 11:04am

Skills used in practice of family support workforce are implemented in different settings and frameworks. The conceptual assumptions and epistemological frameworks of diversity are a challenge in family support as a unique child-rights and child-protection perspective. Various paradigms of intervention, different sectors and disciplinary involvement indicate the need to systematize and clarify knowledge in the field.

Parenting Desires and Strategies of Gay Men and Lesbian Women in the Czech Republic Sep 8 2023 - 10:52am

Despite growing research on parenting in lesbian families but also other families that do not include heterosexual couple relations, there is a lack of knowledge on parenting desires and intentions of persons not aiming to live in a co-resident heterosexual couple. This paper employs a mixed methods approach that combines survey data with problem-centred interviews with self-identified gay, lesbian and bisexual persons living in the Czech Republic.

Family support: engagement of family members and professionals in social welfare for achieving positive changes in family Sep 8 2023 - 10:50am

Engagement of family members is significant for improvement of quality and outcomes of family support and contributes family members to feeling respected, supported, and strengthened. The aim of this article is identification and analysis of factors that contribute engagement of family members and professionals in social welfare in achieving positive changes. The article is based on results of content analysis of relevant scientific and expert literature in this area. In this article, it is indicated on significance of family members engagement.

The Roles of Resilience, Mother Infant Contact Barriers and Perinatal PTSD in the Association between Attachment and Bonding Sep 8 2023 - 10:49am

Studies have examined the role of perinatal post-traumatic stress disorder (P-PTSD) and psychological resilience in the quality of the mother-infant bond. The contact between mother and baby has also important role to improve motherinfant bond. 206 mothers of preterm babies and 446 mothers of full-term babies (age of babies ranges between 1-18 months) recruited to the study between March 2018 and April 2019.

Mejora de la calidad de las visitas durante el acogimiento familiar: Impacto de un programa psicoeducativo en las familias biológicas Sep 8 2023 - 10:48am

Introducción: Según la legislación internacional y nacional, los niños que han sido separados de sus familias biológicas tienen derecho a mantener contacto con ellos, a fin de mantener los vínculos afectivos. Amplia es la literatura que recoge los beneficios de las visitas entre los niños acogidos y sus familiares, sin embargo, son escasos los programas psicoeducativos destinados a mejorar la calidad de dichos contactos.

Developing online parenting support programs for vulnerable families in Croatia Sep 8 2023 - 10:47am

Background and objectives: Parenting support program ""Growing Up Together Online"" was developed as a response to challenges in finding new ways of supporting vulnerable families that were brought about by pandemic and earthquakes in Croatia. It was developed through participative process of co-creation with parents of preschool children, users of social welfare and child protection services. Program objective is to create supportive environment for vulnerable parents in which they would exchange experiences and learn.

"Growing Up Together Plus" Support Program for Parents of Young Children with Disabilities: Benefits from Parents' Perspective Sep 8 2023 - 10:46am

One of the key elements of the implementation of a carefully designed parenting support program is the collection of data on the achievement of its goals, i.e., the examination of its effectiveness. "Growing Up Together Plus" (Pećnik, Starc, Ljubešić, Jeić, Pribela-Hodap and Grubić, 2014) is a version of the universal parenting support program „Growing Up Together” for parents of preschool children (Pećnik & Starc, 2010) adapted to the needs of parents with a young child with developmental disabilities (CWD).

Sólo matky v pandemii; Panel Rozdílné dopady pandemie na muže a na ženy Sep 8 2023 - 10:43am

The Covid-19 pandemic had a particularly severe impact on people in a vulnerable position, such as solo mothers living alone with their children. In this article I use an intersectional approach in order to understand how their different positions in life affected their ability to cope with the crisis situation. I present a longitudinal qualitative study of the situation of solo mothers in the Czech Republic during the Covid-19 crisis, based on repeated interviews with women from three Czech regions.

Políticas y prácticas de apoyo a la familia: un marco de referencia europeo Sep 8 2023 - 10:42am

Iniciativas internacionales como la Convención de los Derechos del Niño (UN 1989), las Recomendaciones del Consejo de Europa sobre la parentalidad positiva (2006) y sobre los servicios de cuidado a la infancia (2011) y la Estrategia Europea EPIC, han promovido en los países europeos políticas y de prácticas, por un lado, de apoyo a las familias y, por otro, de promoción de los derechos de la infancia. Sin embargo, es escasa la coordinación entre ambos objetivos para lograr una visión coherente y holística de tales políticas sociales.

Validation of the interview for the assessment of the parental competencies Sep 8 2023 - 10:41am

Parental competencies constitute one of the central contents of the programs for the promotion of positive parenting. Although there are several selfadministered instruments aimed at assessing specific parental competencies, in the Spanish-speaking context there are no validated tools applicable to families in vulnerable situations that allow for a comprehensive and ecological assessment of parental competencies.

Human rights and Children’s Rights Convention–are children entitled to family policy and support? Sep 8 2023 - 10:38am

The presentation is based on the work of the COST -Action EUROFAM- The European family support network. The starting point is the report The conceptualisation and delivery of family policy and support in Europe: A Review of international and European frameworks and standards (H.Churchill et al 2021).

Human rights and Children’s Rights Convention–are children entitled to family policy and support? Sep 8 2023 - 10:37am

The presentation is based on the work of the COST -Action EUROFAM- The European family support network. The starting point is the report The conceptualisation and delivery of family policy and support in Europe: A Review of international and European frameworks and standards (H.Churchill et al 2021).

Human rights and Children’s Rights Convention – are children entitled to family policy and support Sep 8 2023 - 10:36am

The presentation is based on the work of the COST -Action EUROFAM- The European family support network. The starting point is the report The conceptualisation and delivery of family policy and support in Europe: A Review of international and European frameworks and standards (H.Churchill et al 2021).

A framework for child and family support in Europe: COntributions from the European FAmily Support Network Sep 8 2023 - 10:35am

The presentation gives an overview of EurofamNet's structure and work across working groups as well as insights on quality family support provision.

Cooperation on Youth: Input from EurofamNet Sep 8 2023 - 10:35am

The presentation introduced EurofamNet's structure and results with a special focus on WG3 results concerning evidence-based practices and quality support provision

Advancing a Family Support Agenda at European Level: The EurofamNet experience Sep 8 2023 - 10:34am

This presentation presented key outputs, useful tools and next steps for EurofamNet

Evidence - informed family support as a paradigm for policy and practice. Contributions from the European Family Support Network Sep 8 2023 - 10:33am

The European Family Support Network (EurofamNet) is a pan-European network made of more than 160 academics, practitioners and policy makers from 35 countries, funded as a COST action, with the purpose of informing family support policies and practices at European and national level. EurofamNet actively engages with the global call for citizens services to meet highest quality standards, offering the best evidence in order to provide effective responses that can actually improve children, young people and families’ lives.

Advancing a Family Support Agenda at European Level: The EurofamNet experience Sep 8 2023 - 10:32am

The presentation focused on EurofamNet progress in each of its areas, highlighting key findings and useful resources for conference delegates

Analysis of Professionals' Attitudes Toward the Adoption of Evidence-based Practice Sep 8 2023 - 10:31am

In the field of family intervention, the incorporation of evidence-based programmes as well as the assessment of attitudes and expectations of these are essential. Fidelity in the implementation of intervention programmes has been verified as part of the quality standards for programme design. This study is performed in the context of the Family Intervention Programme (FIP) carried out in the municipal family care services of Pamplona City Council (Spain), whose current objective is to become an evidence-based programme.