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Affection-Communication and Criticism-Rejection in mother-child relationships: Comparing Families at-risk vs. normative families Sep 7 2023 - 1:56pm
Avaliação da Qualidade das Interações Pais-Criança em Famílias Vulneráveis Acompanhadas pelos Serviços de Proteção de Crianças e Sep 7 2023 - 1:03pm
Episodic Foresight and Executive Functions in School-aged Children Followed by Child Protective Services: A research protocol Sep 7 2023 - 1:01pm
Keeping It Balanced: Fidelity and Flexibility in Real-World Implementation of an Evidence-Based Parenting Program Sep 7 2023 - 12:59pm
A case study on the digital delivery of Group Lifestyle Triple P Sep 7 2023 - 12:57pm
Portuguese parents followed by the protective services with referral to parent education programs: Characterizing the participan Sep 7 2023 - 12:55pm
Effects of cumulative risk exposure on school-aged children's behavior, social skills, temperament, and cognitive function. Sep 7 2023 - 12:48pm
Parents' perceptions of child's weight-related behavior problems and confidence to deal with those problems: The Lifestyle Behav Sep 7 2023 - 12:46pm
Are school-aged children's lifestyle behavior problems related to specific feeding and physical activity parenting practices? Sep 7 2023 - 12:45pm
Implementation and evaluation of Triple P interventions: Insights from the Portuguese experience Sep 7 2023 - 12:43pm
Parent and child hair cortisol concentrations in families engaged with Child Protective Services: A characterization of patterns Sep 7 2023 - 12:42pm

Understanding the characteristic of vulnerable families, such as those followed by Child Protective Services (CPS), is of utmost relevance. The parents often face significant difficulties that preclude them from having the internal resources needed to be sensitive, responsive, and engage in positive interactions with their children. Among many individual, familial and psychological characteristics, one deserving particular attention is parents’ and children’s biological stress, found to be adequately identified by hair cortisol concentration (HCC).

Are online parenting interventions suitable for vulnerable families? A narrative review and preliminary data from an effectivene Sep 7 2023 - 12:40pm

The use of information and communication technology (ICT) to deliver parenting and mental health support services to families is not new, but has significantly increased during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Programas parentais baseados na evidência implementados em Portugal Sep 7 2023 - 12:38pm
O Apoio à Família e à Parentalidade - A European Family Support Network-EurofamNet. Simpósio organizado no âmbito do XI Simpósio Sep 7 2023 - 12:38pm
Uma revisão da literatura sobre a utilização de tecnologias da informação e comunicação na intervenção com famílias na Europa. Sep 7 2023 - 12:37pm
A Rede Europeia de Apoio à Família (EurofamNet). Sep 7 2023 - 12:35pm

The European Family Support Network (EurofamNet) is an evidence-based, multidisciplinary network of researchers, practitioners and policymakers funded as an Action (CA18123) under the COST programme. EurofamNet aims to create a pan-European family support network focused on family support policies and practices, reflecting on common goals among participating countries, recognizing the specific nature of families' cultural and socio-economic contexts.

Advancing a Family Support Agenda at European Level: The EurofamNet experience Sep 7 2023 - 12:33pm
Quality standards in family support programmes. Contributions from EurofamNet Sep 7 2023 - 12:32pm

EurofamNet is a pan-European family support network focused on family support policies and practices, reflecting common goals across participating countries, while recognizing the specific nature of families’ cultural and socio-economic contexts within them.

The aim of the network is to inform family policies and practices towards the ultimate goal of ensuring children’s rights and families’ well-being. EurofamNet will do so by building collaborations between researchers, practitioners, policy-makers, children and families, public and private agencies, and general society.

Mapping key actors in family support in Europe Sep 7 2023 - 12:31pm

The Action has initiated the process to identify key actors in family support in each country, building up National Working Groups that can support the achievement of the Action objectives and can benefit from its advances. These groups play an input and an advocacy role at national level on Action-related tasks, serve to build network capacity and operate to further develop family support at national level. National representatives currently members of the Action have been pointed out to fill in a template with information about key family support actors at national level.

Child executive functions and school achievement: role of parents’ equal participation in childcare activities Sep 7 2023 - 12:30pm

Recently there has been some evidence that the equal sharing of childcare responsibilities among parents positively contributes to child cognitive development. Parent sharing of childcare responsibilities may serve as important mechanism for intergenerational transmission of disparities. In this research we wanted to explore whether the extent to which parents equally share different childcare activities predicts child executive functions and school achievement. Two different types of activities regarding childcare were examined.