Dětský průvodce rozvodem / Children's guide to divorce
Language:Czech Operating domain:
Family, Individual Target group:
Children Target age of children:
Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Reducing child behavioural problems Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
"Home-Start Familiekontakten (translated from original title: Home-Start)"
Language:Norwegian Operating domain:
Community, Culture, Family, Inclusion, Individual, Leisure Target group:
Children, Family, Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5) Target outcome:
Adolescence competences promotion, Child competences promotion, Community development, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing child behavioural problems Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
"MAMA JE MAMA" program za maloljetne i mlade trudnice i roditelje
Language:Croatian Operating domain:
Family, Individual Target group:
Children, Couple, Family, Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5) Target outcome:
Adolescence competences promotion, Community development, Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing adolescence behavioural problems, Reducing adolescence delinquency, Reducing adolescence substance use, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Mixed (Online + face-to-face activities) Read more
"Sammen på vei Nurse-Family partnership, Norway"
Language:English Operating domain:
Community, Education (School), Family, Health, Individual Target group:
Children, Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Community development, Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing adolescence behavioural problems, Reducing adolescence delinquency, Reducing adolescence substance use, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Read more
"The Incredible Years (IY) parental training (age 3-6) and (age 6-12). Norwegian name: De Utrolige Årene (DUÅ) foreldreveiledningsprogram 3-6 år og 6-12 år "
Language:Norwegian Operating domain:
Target group:
Target age of children:
Target outcome:
Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
"The Incredible Years (IY) universal prevention parental program (age 2-6). Norwegian name: De Utrolige Årene (DUÅ) Universalprogrammet"
Language:Norwegian Operating domain:
Family, Health, Inclusion, Individual Target group:
Couple, Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
ABC 3-12 age
Language:Swedish Operating domain:
Community, Education (School), Family Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Positive parenting promotion Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Abuelos educadores
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Education (School), Family, Health Target group:
Children, Family Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Adolescence competences promotion, Child competences promotion, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing adolescence behavioural problems Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Access to health services for every child through Home Visiting (01.04 2020–30.09 2021)
Language:Romanian Operating domain:
Family, Inclusion Target group:
Children, Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5) Target outcome:
Positive parenting promotion Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Aktivt föräldraskap / active parenting
Language:Swedish Operating domain:
Family, Health Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Positive parenting promotion Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Albanian psychological service to support families
Language:Albanian Operating domain:
Community, Education (School), Family, Inclusion, Individual Target group:
Children, Community, Family, Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Reducing adolescence behavioural problems, Reducing child behavioural problems Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Aprender juntos, crecer en familia
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Community, Education (School), Family, Leisure Target group:
Children, Family, Parents Target age of children:
Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-up (ABC)
Language:English Operating domain:
Family Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5) Target outcome:
Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing child behavioural problems Mode of delivery:
Mixed (Online + face-to-face activities) Read more
Baby fitness Istra -program ranog razvoja i poticajnog roditeljstva
Language:Croatian Operating domain:
Family, Individual Target group:
Children, Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Barn i Föräldrars Fokus (BiFF) / Children in Parents' Focus (BiFF)
Language:Swedish Operating domain:
Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Beardslee's familjeintervention
Language:Swedish Operating domain:
Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Physical and emotional wellbeing, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Behavioral Parent Training Groningen – groep (BPTG-G)
Language:Dutch Operating domain:
Health Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing child behavioural problems, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Big brothers Big sisters of Lithuania
Language:Lithuanian Operating domain:
Family, Individual Target group:
Children Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Adolescence competences promotion, Child competences promotion, Community development, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Reducing adolescence behavioural problems, Reducing adolescence delinquency, Reducing adolescence substance use, Reducing child behavioural problems Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Caminar en Familia
Language:Operating domain:
Target group:
Target age of children:
Target outcome:
Mode of delivery:
Read more
Caminar en familia
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Family Target group:
Children, Family, Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Adolescence competences promotion, Child competences promotion, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Caminar en Familia / Caminhar em Família
Language:Portuguese Operating domain:
Family, Other Target group:
Children, Family, Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Adolescence competences promotion, Child competences promotion, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Centar za rani razvoj "Impuls“ - Center for Early Development
Language:Serbian Operating domain:
Family, Inclusion Target group:
Family Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing child behavioural problems Mode of delivery:
Mixed (Online + face-to-face activities) Read more
Centering-Based Group Care
Language:Dutch Operating domain:
Community, Family, Health, Inclusion, Individual Target group:
Children, Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5) Target outcome:
Community development, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing adolescence substance use, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Centro Famiglie
Language:Italian Operating domain:
Community, Education (School), Family, Inclusion, Individual Target group:
Children, Community, Couple, Family, Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Community development, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing adolescence delinquency, Reducing child behavioural problems Mode of delivery:
Mixed (Online + face-to-face activities) Read more
Cesta za sebedůvěrou / The path to self-confidence
Language:Czech Operating domain:
Individual Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Target outcome:
Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Child Parent Psychotherapy (CPP)
Language:Swedish Operating domain:
Family Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9) Target outcome:
Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing adolescence delinquency Mode of delivery:
Mixed (Online + face-to-face activities) Read more
Children In Between/Crianças no Meio do Conflito
Language:Portuguese Operating domain:
Family Target group:
Couple, Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion Mode of delivery:
Mixed (Online + face-to-face activities) Read more
Communication Cooperative between Home and School (original version, 1984) - Comunicación Cooperativa entre la Familia y la Escuela (adapted and translated version, 2006). Component of the CASTELLÓN Project based on the GREI intervention model
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Community, Education (School), Family Target group:
Community, Other, Parents Target age of children:
Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Community development, Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing child behavioural problems Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Community parent education (COPE)
Language:Swedish Operating domain:
Family Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing child behavioural problems Mode of delivery:
Mixed (Online + face-to-face activities) Read more
Language:Swedish Operating domain:
Education (School), Family Target group:
Children, Family, Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Positive parenting promotion, Reducing adolescence behavioural problems, Reducing child behavioural problems Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Connecta amb els teus fills: com prevenir el consum de drogues i altres conductes de risc?
Language:Catalan Operating domain:
Health Target group:
Family Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Positive couple relationships, Reducing adolescence substance use Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Construir lo cotidiano: un programa de Educación Parental
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Education (School), Family, Gender, Individual, Leisure Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Construyendo Mi Futuro (Building My Future)
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Community, Inclusion, Individual, Leisure, Other Target group:
Children, Community Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Adolescence competences promotion, Community development, Physical and emotional wellbeing Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Construyendo relaciones en familias adoptivas. Hablando sobre los orígenes.
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Community, Family Target group:
Couple, Parents Target age of children:
Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Cool Kids
Language:Swedish Operating domain:
Family, Health Target group:
Children, Family, Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Physical and emotional wellbeing, Reducing child behavioural problems Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Corso di accompaganmento alla nascita - Birth accompaniment course
Language:Italian Operating domain:
Community, Culture, Family, Health Target group:
Couple, Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5) Target outcome:
Community development, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Mixed (Online + face-to-face activities) Read more
Creciendo Juntos: Programa de Orientación Educativa para la Promoción del Desarrollo Personal en la Adolescencia
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Education (School), Family Target group:
Children Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Adolescence competences promotion, Child competences promotion, Community development, Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Créixer en família
Language:Catalan Operating domain:
Family, Other Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion Mode of delivery:
Mixed (Online + face-to-face activities) Read more
Currículum para el Aprendizaje Socioemocional (original version) Social Emotional Learning Curriculum. This programe is a component of the CASTELLÓN Project based on the GREI intervention model
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Education (School), Family, Health, Inclusion, Individual, Leisure, Other Target group:
Children, Family, Other Target age of children:
Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Community development, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing child behavioural problems Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
De otroliga åren/the incredible years
Language:English Operating domain:
Family, Individual Target group:
Children, Family, Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing child behavioural problems Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Descubre tu potencial para educar a tus hijos e hijas (Servicio de evaluación preventiva de contextos familiares)Discover your potential to educate your sons and daughters (Preventive evaluation service of family contexts)
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Community, Family, Health, Other Target group:
Children, Family Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Educational skills and attainment, Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion Mode of delivery:
Mixed (Online + face-to-face activities) Read more
Dítě v centru zájmu (No Kids in the Middle)
Language:Czech Operating domain:
Community, Family, Individual Target group:
Children, Family, Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Dzimba safety program
Language:Latvian Operating domain:
Education (School), Individual Target group:
Children Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Educar en familia
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Education (School), Family, Health Target group:
Children, Family, Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Adolescence competences promotion, Child competences promotion, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing adolescence behavioural problems, Reducing adolescence substance use Mode of delivery:
Mixed (Online + face-to-face activities) Read more
Educar en positivo
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Family, Health, Inclusion, Other, Sports Target group:
Community, Family, Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Community development, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing child behavioural problems, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Online Read more
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Family, Health, Individual Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Adolescence competences promotion, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing adolescence behavioural problems, Reducing child behavioural problems Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Family, Health, Individual Target group:
Children Target age of children:
Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Reducing child behavioural problems Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
EmPeCemos: Emociones, Pensamientos y Conductas para un desarrollo saludable
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Community, Education (School), Family, Health, Inclusion, Individual Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Middle Childhood (6-9) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing adolescence substance use, Reducing child behavioural problems Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
En familia Educar para la vida
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Family, Health Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing adolescence substance use Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
ESIPP autism parent training Developed within Erasmus + ESIPP project (Equity and Social Inclusion through Positive Parenting)
Language:Croatian Operating domain:
Family, Inclusion, Individual, Leisure Target group:
Family, Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Positive parenting promotion, Reducing adolescence behavioural problems, Reducing child behavioural problems, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Language:English Operating domain:
Education (School), Family, Health, Inclusion Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing adolescence behavioural problems, Reducing child behavioural problems Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Education (School), Gender, Health Target group:
Children, Family Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Adolescence competences promotion, Community development, Reducing adolescence behavioural problems, Reducing adolescence substance use, Reducing child behavioural problems Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Familia con emociones
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Education (School), Family, Health Target group:
Children, Family, Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Adolescence competences promotion, Child competences promotion, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing adolescence behavioural problems, Reducing adolescence substance use Mode of delivery:
Mixed (Online + face-to-face activities) Read more
Familien stärken ( Strengthening Families Program - SFP)
Language:English Operating domain:
Education (School), Family, Health, Individual, Other Target group:
Family Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Adolescence competences promotion, Child competences promotion, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing child behavioural problems, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Familien stärken (Strengthening Families -SFP) - pmkijufa
Language:German Operating domain:
Family Target group:
Children, Family, Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Adolescence competences promotion, Child competences promotion, Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing adolescence behavioural problems, Reducing adolescence delinquency, Reducing adolescence substance use, Reducing child behavioural problems Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Families First
Language:Dutch Operating domain:
Family, Health Target group:
Family Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing adolescence behavioural problems, Reducing child behavioural problems, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Language:Swedish Operating domain:
Family, Individual Target group:
Family, Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Positive parenting promotion Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Family card
Language:Lithuanian Operating domain:
Community, Culture, Education (School), Family, Health, Individual, Leisure, Other, Sports Target group:
Children, Community, Couple, Family, Other, Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Community development, Educational skills and attainment, Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion Mode of delivery:
Mixed (Online + face-to-face activities) Read more
Family check-up
Language:Swedish Operating domain:
Family, Health Target group:
Children, Family, Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Physical and emotional wellbeing, Reducing child behavioural problems Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Family Outreach Worker/ Porodicni saradnik
Language:Serbian Operating domain:
Family Target group:
Children, Family, Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Adolescence competences promotion, Child competences promotion, Community development, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing adolescence delinquency, Reducing child behavioural problems, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Family Strengthening Programme
Language:Serbian Operating domain:
Community, Family, Inclusion, Individual Target group:
Children, Community, Family, Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Adolescence competences promotion, Child competences promotion, Community development, Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing adolescence behavioural problems, Reducing adolescence delinquency, Reducing adolescence substance use, Reducing child behavioural problems, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Mixed (Online + face-to-face activities) Read more
Feliz de Conocerme
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Education (School), Family, Individual Target group:
Other, Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Positive parenting promotion, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Föräldraskap i Sverige/Parenting in Sweden
Language:Swedish Operating domain:
Family Target group:
Family, Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Community development, Positive parenting promotion Mode of delivery:
Mixed (Online + face-to-face activities) Read more
Formación y apoyo familiar / Family Education and Support Program
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Community, Family Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Adolescence competences promotion, Child competences promotion, Community development, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Family, Other Target group:
Family, Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Community development, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing child behavioural problems, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Mixed (Online + face-to-face activities) Read more
Funktionell familjeterapi (FFT)
Language:Swedish Operating domain:
Family, Individual Target group:
Children, Family, Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing adolescence behavioural problems, Reducing adolescence delinquency, Reducing adolescence substance use Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Language:Lithuanian Operating domain:
Community, Family, Individual Target group:
Community, Couple, Family, Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Community development, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing adolescence delinquency Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Group and home Growing Up Happily in the Family program
Language:Operating domain:
Target group:
Target age of children:
Target outcome:
Mode of delivery:
Read more
Group Lifestyle Triple P/Triplo P Lifestyle em Grupo
Language:Portuguese Operating domain:
Family, Health Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Middle Childhood (6-9) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing child behavioural problems Mode of delivery:
Mixed (Online + face-to-face activities) Read more
Group Tiple P level 4/Triplo P de Grupo nível 4
Language:Portuguese Operating domain:
Family Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing child behavioural problems Mode of delivery:
Mixed (Online + face-to-face activities) Read more
Grow Together: Für einen guten Start ins Leben. (Grow together: for a good start into life)
Language:German Operating domain:
Family, Inclusion, Other Target group:
Children, Family, Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing child behavioural problems, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Hledejme po-volání / Let's find an occupation
Language:Czech Operating domain:
Individual Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Target outcome:
Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Home - Start
Language:Dutch Operating domain:
Family, Individual, Other Target group:
Children, Family Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Adolescence competences promotion, Child competences promotion, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Home-Start Familiekontakten (translated from original title: Home-Start)
Language:Norwegian Operating domain:
Community, Culture, Family, Inclusion, Individual, Leisure Target group:
Children, Family, Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5) Target outcome:
Adolescence competences promotion, Child competences promotion, Community development, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing child behavioural problems Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Igrajmo se pažnje
Language:Croatian Operating domain:
Family, Inclusion Target group:
Children, Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Positive parenting promotion Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Incredible Years (Pittige Jaren)
Language:Dutch Operating domain:
Family Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing child behavioural problems, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Incredible Years / Anos Incríveis
Language:Portuguese Operating domain:
Family Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Community development, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing child behavioural problems, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Incredible Years Teacher Training Program/De Utrolige Årenes skole- barnehageprogram
Language:Norwegian Operating domain:
Education (School), Family Target group:
Children, Family Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Reducing child behavioural problems Mode of delivery:
Mixed (Online + face-to-face activities) Read more
INSIEME A TE (Together with You)
Language:Italian Operating domain:
Community, Culture, Family, Inclusion Target group:
Children, Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Community development, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Intensive family treatment
Language:Dutch Operating domain:
Family, Health, Individual Target group:
Children, Community, Family, Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Adolescence competences promotion, Child competences promotion, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing adolescence behavioural problems, Reducing child behavioural problems, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Mixed (Online + face-to-face activities) Read more
International Child Development Programme (ICDP)
Language:Swedish Operating domain:
Family, Individual Target group:
Family, Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Educational skills and attainment Mode of delivery:
Mixed (Online + face-to-face activities) Read more
Jak lépe porozumět svému dítěti (How to better understand your child)
Language:Czech Operating domain:
Family, Individual Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Target outcome:
Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Language:Czech Operating domain:
Community, Family, Individual Target group:
Community, Family, Parents Target age of children:
Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing child behavioural problems Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Kognitiv Integrerad Behandling vid Barnmisshandel (KIBB)/Cognitive Integrated Treatment for Child Abuse (KIBB)
Language:Swedish Operating domain:
Family Target group:
Family Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing child behavioural problems, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Komet 12-18 years
Language:Swedish Operating domain:
Family, Individual Target group:
Children, Family, Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing adolescence behavioural problems, Reducing adolescence delinquency, Reducing child behavioural problems Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Komet 3-11
Language:Swedish Operating domain:
Family, Individual Target group:
Children, Family, Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing child behavioural problems Mode of delivery:
Mixed (Online + face-to-face activities) Read more
Komunity jsme my (We are the communities)
Language:Czech Operating domain:
Community, Individual Target group:
Community, Parents Target age of children:
Target outcome:
Community development, Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Kurz osobního rozvoje pro maminky (Personal development course for mothers)
Language:Czech Operating domain:
Individual Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Target outcome:
Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing Mode of delivery:
Mixed (Online + face-to-face activities) Read more
Las visitas: un espacio de desarrollo familiar
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Family, Individual Target group:
Family, Parents Target age of children:
Target outcome:
Community development, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Ledarskapsträning för tonårsföräldrar (LFT) / Leadership training for teenage parents (LFT)
Language:Swedish Operating domain:
Family Target group:
Family, Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Limits: programa d'actuació preventiva familiar de la transgressió i del consum de drogues en menors i joves que passen pel circuit de la justícia juvenil
Language:Catalan Operating domain:
Family, Health Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Reducing adolescence delinquency, Reducing adolescence substance use Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Mamma och pappa trots allt (MPTA) / Mom and Dad after all (MPTA)
Language:Swedish Operating domain:
Education (School), Family Target group:
Other, Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion Mode of delivery:
Mixed (Online + face-to-face activities) Read more
Mamma och pappa trots allt (MPTA) / Mom and Dad after all (MPTA)
Language:Swedish Operating domain:
Family Target group:
Family, Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Community development, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Mellow Parenting Program
Language:Romanian Operating domain:
Community, Family, Individual Target group:
Children, Family, Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5) Target outcome:
Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing child behavioural problems, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
MONEO: Programa de prevención familiar del consumo de drogas
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Family, Health Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Positive couple relationships, Reducing adolescence substance use Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Motivar a aprender
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Education (School), Family, Inclusion, Individual Target group:
Children, Family, Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Adolescence competences promotion, Child competences promotion, Educational skills and attainment, Positive parenting promotion Mode of delivery:
Mixed (Online + face-to-face activities) Read more
Multidimensional Family Therapy. Multidimesionele Familietherapie
Language:Dutch Operating domain:
Education (School), Family, Health, Individual Target group:
Children, Family, Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18) Target outcome:
Adolescence competences promotion, Child competences promotion, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing adolescence behavioural problems, Reducing adolescence delinquency, Reducing adolescence substance use, Reducing child behavioural problems, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Mixed (Online + face-to-face activities) Read more
Multisystemic Therapy (MST)
Language:Norwegian Operating domain:
Community, Education (School), Family, Health, Inclusion, Individual, Leisure Target group:
Children, Community, Family, Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Adolescence competences promotion, Child competences promotion, Community development, Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing adolescence behavioural problems, Reducing adolescence delinquency, Reducing adolescence substance use, Reducing child behavioural problems, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Mixed (Online + face-to-face activities) Read more
Nastartujte svoji kariéru / Restart your career
Language:Czech Operating domain:
Individual Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Target outcome:
Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Nati per leggere
Language:Italian Operating domain:
Community, Culture, Education (School), Family, Health, Inclusion, Individual, Leisure Target group:
Children, Community, Family, Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Community development, Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
National Program for Deinstitutionalization of Persons with Intellectual and Psychosocial Disabilities
Language:Romanian Operating domain:
Community, Education (School), Health, Inclusion Target group:
Children Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Neverjetna leta
Language:Slovene Operating domain:
Community, Education (School), Family, Health, Individual Target group:
Children, Community, Family, Parents Target age of children:
Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Community development, Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing child behavioural problems, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Ni ogros ni princesas
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Community, Education (School), Family, Gender, Health, Inclusion, Individual, Leisure Target group:
Children, Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Adolescence competences promotion, Child competences promotion, Community development, Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Reducing adolescence behavioural problems, Reducing child behavioural problems Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Nové obzory (New Horizons for Single Parents)
Language:Czech Operating domain:
Family, Gender, Inclusion, Individual Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion Mode of delivery:
Mixed (Online + face-to-face activities) Read more
Nové šance (New Opportunities for Single parents)
Language:Czech Operating domain:
Family, Gender, Inclusion, Individual Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Target outcome:
Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Ömsesidig respekt / mutual respect
Language:Swedish Operating domain:
Family Target group:
Family Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Osobnostně rozvojový program pro mládež (Personal development program for youth)
Language:Czech Operating domain:
Community, Education (School), Family, Health, Individual, Leisure Target group:
Children Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18) Target outcome:
Adolescence competences promotion, Community development, Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Reducing adolescence behavioural problems, Reducing adolescence delinquency, Reducing adolescence substance use Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Ouderschap met Liefde en Grenzen (Parenting with Love and Limits)
Language:Operating domain:
Target group:
Target age of children:
Target outcome:
Mode of delivery:
Read more
Ouderschap met Liefde en Grenzen (Parenting with Love and Limits)
Language:Dutch Operating domain:
Family, Health, Individual Target group:
Children, Family, Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18) Target outcome:
Adolescence competences promotion, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing adolescence behavioural problems, Reducing adolescence delinquency, Reducing adolescence substance use, Reducing child behavioural problems, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Mixed (Online + face-to-face activities) Read more
P.I.P.P.I. Programma di Intervento per la Prevenzione dell'Istituzionalizzazione (Programme of Intervention for the Prevention of Institutionalisation)
Language:Italian Operating domain:
Community, Education (School), Family, Inclusion Target group:
Children, Community, Family, Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Community development, Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing child behavioural problems, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
PADRES Y MADRES SIN BARRERAS. Programa para la promoción de la Parentalidad Positiva desde los Centros Penitenciarios. Parents WithoutBarriers. Program to promote positive parenting from penitentiary centers.
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Inclusion, Individual Target group:
Community, Family, Parents Target age of children:
Target outcome:
Community development, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Pair Counseling: A Developmental Intervention for Counseling Children in Dyads (original version) - Aprendizaje de la Amistad (adapted and translated version) This programe is a component of the CASTELLÓN Project based on the GREI intervention model
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Education (School), Health, Inclusion, Leisure Target group:
Children Target age of children:
Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Reducing child behavioural problems Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Pappa kom hem/Dad come home
Language:Swedish Operating domain:
Family Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Parent Management Training Oregon (PMTO)
Language:Norwegian Operating domain:
Family, Health, Individual Target group:
Children, Family, Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing child behavioural problems, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Parent Management Training Oregon (PMTO)
Language:Dutch Operating domain:
Family, Health, Individual Target group:
Children, Family, Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Adolescence competences promotion, Child competences promotion, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing adolescence behavioural problems, Reducing adolescence delinquency, Reducing child behavioural problems, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Mixed (Online + face-to-face activities) Read more
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT)
Language:Dutch Operating domain:
Family, Health, Individual Target group:
Children, Family, Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9) Target outcome:
Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing child behavioural problems, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Parentaj conștient sensibil la gen. Gender-conscious conscious parenting
Language:Romanian Operating domain:
Education (School), Family, Gender Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5) Target outcome:
Community development, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing adolescence delinquency Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Parental Friendship Coaching (original version) - Padres como Facilitadores de la Amistad de los Hijos (adapted and translated version) . This programe is a component of the CASTELLÓN Project based on the GREI intervention model
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Community, Education (School), Family, Gender, Inclusion, Individual, Leisure, Other Target group:
Family, Parents Target age of children:
Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Community development, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing child behavioural problems, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Parentalidad positiva: Ganar salud y bienestar de 0 a 3 años
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Family, Health Target group:
Family, Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5) Target outcome:
Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing child behavioural problems, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Mixed (Online + face-to-face activities) Read more
Parenting Wisely - Urban Teen UK Version/Parentalidade Sábia com Adolescentes; Mais Família, Mais Jovem
Language:Portuguese Operating domain:
Family Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Adolescence competences promotion, Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing adolescence behavioural problems, Reducing adolescence delinquency, Reducing adolescence substance use, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Parenting Wisely - Young Child Edition/Parentalidade Sábia com Crianças; Mais Família, Mais Criança
Language:Portuguese Operating domain:
Family Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing child behavioural problems, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Parenting Young Children (PYC)
Language:Swedish Operating domain:
Family, Health Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9) Target outcome:
Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing child behavioural problems Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Pečovat a žít (To care and to live)
Language:Czech Operating domain:
Community, Family, Inclusion, Individual Target group:
Community, Parents Target age of children:
Target outcome:
Community development, Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Positive Discipline in Everyday Parenting / Pozityvus aukl?jimas kiekvienai dienai
Language:Lithuanian Operating domain:
Family, Individual Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Positive parenting promotion, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Praten met kinderen
Language:Dutch Operating domain:
Family Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Positive parenting promotion, Reducing adolescence behavioural problems, Reducing child behavioural problems Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Education (School), Family, Individual Target group:
Children, Family Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Community development, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing adolescence behavioural problems, Reducing adolescence delinquency, Reducing adolescence substance use, Reducing child behavioural problems, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Primera Alianza: mejorando los vínculos tempranos
Language:Operating domain:
Target group:
Target age of children:
Target outcome:
Mode of delivery:
Read more
Primera Alianza: mejorando los vínculos tempranos
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Family, Health, Individual Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5) Target outcome:
Positive parenting promotion, Reducing child behavioural problems, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Program "A safe and child-friendly kindergarten"
Language:Latvian Operating domain:
Education (School) Target group:
Children, Other Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing child behavioural problems, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Mixed (Online + face-to-face activities) Read more
Program "Children's emotional development"
Language:Latvian Operating domain:
Family Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9) Target outcome:
Positive parenting promotion, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Program for the Development of Inclusive Education
Language:Romanian Operating domain:
Education (School), Inclusion Target group:
Children, Other Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Reducing adolescence behavioural problems, Reducing child behavioural problems Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Program of Positive Parenting
Language:Lithuanian Operating domain:
Family, Gender, Individual, Leisure Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Community development, Reducing adolescence behavioural problems, Reducing adolescence delinquency, Reducing adolescence substance use Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Programa ACT para Educar Crianças em Ambientes Seguros/ACT (Adults and Children Together)-Raising Safe Kids Program
Language:Portuguese Operating domain:
Family Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing child behavioural problems, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Programa Apego
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Family, Health, Individual Target group:
Family Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Adolescence competences promotion, Child competences promotion, Community development, Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Programa Cuidando al cuidador
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Family, Health, Individual Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Programa de Apoyo Integral a las Familias (PAIF)
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Community, Education (School), Family, Health, Individual, Sports Target group:
Community, Other, Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Adolescence competences promotion, Child competences promotion, Community development, Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing adolescence behavioural problems, Reducing child behavioural problems Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Programa de Competencia Familiar (PCF) / Strengthening Families Program (SFP)
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Community, Education (School), Family, Gender, Health, Inclusion, Individual, Leisure Target group:
Children, Family, Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Adolescence competences promotion, Child competences promotion, Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing adolescence behavioural problems, Reducing adolescence delinquency, Reducing adolescence substance use, Reducing child behavioural problems, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Programa de Formación para el Acogimiento en Familia Extensa . Programa Formació per l'Acolliment en Familia Extensa
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Family Target group:
Other Target age of children:
Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Community development, Educational skills and attainment, Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Programa de Formación/Reflexión Inicial para la Adopción en Canarias
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Family, Individual Target group:
Couple, Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Adolescence competences promotion, Child competences promotion, Community development, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing adolescence behavioural problems, Reducing child behavioural problems Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
PROGRAMA DE INTEGRACIÓN FAMILIAR (PIF). Family integration program
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Education (School), Family, Gender, Health, Inclusion, Individual Target group:
Family Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Adolescence competences promotion, Child competences promotion, Community development, Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing adolescence behavioural problems, Reducing adolescence delinquency, Reducing adolescence substance use, Reducing child behavioural problems, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Programa de Intervención Familiar
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Family, Inclusion, Individual Target group:
Family Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Adolescence competences promotion, Child competences promotion, Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing adolescence behavioural problems, Reducing child behavioural problems, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Community Target group:
Family, Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Community development, Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing child behavioural problems, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Programa de Tratamiento a Familias con Menores
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Community, Family Target group:
Family, Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Adolescence competences promotion, Child competences promotion, Community development, Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing adolescence behavioural problems, Reducing child behavioural problems, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Community, Culture, Education (School), Family, Gender, Health, Inclusion, Individual, Leisure, Other Target group:
Children, Family Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing child behavioural problems, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Programa grupal y domiciliario Crecer Felices en Familia / Group and home Growing Up Happily in the Family program
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Community, Education (School), Health, Inclusion, Leisure Target group:
Family, Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5) Target outcome:
Community development, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Family, Individual Target group:
Children, Family, Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Adolescence competences promotion, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing adolescence behavioural problems Mode of delivery:
Mixed (Online + face-to-face activities) Read more
Programa NAYFA
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Family, Individual Target group:
Children, Family, Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Adolescence competences promotion, Child competences promotion, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Programa para la Promoción de Parentalidad Positiva en Familias Refugiadas
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Family, Inclusion Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Community development, Positive parenting promotion Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Community, Education (School), Family, Health, Individual Target group:
Children, Community, Couple, Family, Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Adolescence competences promotion, Child competences promotion, Community development, Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing adolescence behavioural problems, Reducing child behavioural problems, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Project support
Language:Swedish Operating domain:
Family Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9) Target outcome:
Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing child behavioural problems, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Projeto Família/Family Project
Language:Portuguese Operating domain:
Community, Family Target group:
Family, Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Protego: Entrenamiento familiar en habilidades educativas para la prevención de las drogodependencias
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Family Target group:
Couple, Family Target age of children:
Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Positive parenting promotion, Reducing adolescence substance use Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Radionice za roditelje u?enika osnovnih i srednjih škola “Uspješno roditeljstvo”
Language:Croatian Operating domain:
Education (School), Family, Individual Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Adolescence competences promotion, Child competences promotion, Community development, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing adolescence behavioural problems, Reducing child behavioural problems Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Rastimo zajedno
Language:Croatian Operating domain:
Family, Individual Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5) Target outcome:
Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Rastimo zajedno i mi
Language:Croatian Operating domain:
Family, Inclusion, Individual Target group:
Children, Family, Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Community development, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing child behavioural problems, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Rastimo zajedno Klub očeva
Language:Croatian Operating domain:
Family, Individual Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Rastimo zajedno online
Language:Croatian Operating domain:
Family, Inclusion, Individual Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Community development, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Mixed (Online + face-to-face activities) Read more
Rastimo zajedno Plus
Language:Croatian Operating domain:
Family, Inclusion, Individual Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
RAUDONOS NOSYS Gydytojai klounai (eng. RED NOSES Clowndoctors Lithuania)
Language:Lithuanian Operating domain:
Culture, Health, Individual Target group:
Children, Other, Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Adolescence competences promotion, Child competences promotion, Physical and emotional wellbeing Mode of delivery:
Mixed (Online + face-to-face activities) Read more
RDC03 - Interrelazioni tra Reddito, Genitorialità e Sviluppo dei bambini tra 0-3 anni
Language:Italian Operating domain:
Culture, Family, Inclusion Target group:
Children, Family, Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5) Target outcome:
Community development, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Mixed (Online + face-to-face activities) Read more
Respektovat a být respektován (To Respect and To Be Respected)
Language:Czech Operating domain:
Community, Education (School), Family, Individual Target group:
Other, Parents Target age of children:
Target outcome:
Educational skills and attainment, Positive parenting promotion Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Roditeljstvo na drugačiji način/Parenting in a different way
Language:Croatian Operating domain:
Family, Individual Target group:
Couple, Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Adolescence competences promotion, Child competences promotion, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing adolescence behavioural problems, Reducing child behavioural problems, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Rozvodem bez újmy (Going through Divorce without Lasting Harm)
Language:Czech Operating domain:
Family, Individual Target group:
Children, Parents Target age of children:
Target outcome:
Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Ruptura de Pareja, no de Familia
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Family Target group:
Children, Family, Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Adolescence competences promotion, Child competences promotion, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing adolescence behavioural problems, Reducing child behavioural problems Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Silní rodi?e-silné d?ti (Strong Parents-Strong Children)
Language:Czech Operating domain:
Family, Individual Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Target outcome:
Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Read more
Silní rodiče-silné děti (Strong Parents-Strong Children)
Language:Czech Operating domain:
Family, Individual Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Target outcome:
Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Škola za razvedene roditelje – program psihološke podrške razvedenim roditeljima/School for divorced parents – programme of psychological support for divorced parents
Language:Croatian Operating domain:
Family, Individual Target group:
Couple, Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Positive parenting promotion, Reducing adolescence behavioural problems, Reducing child behavioural problems, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Language:Portuguese Operating domain:
Family Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5) Target outcome:
Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion Mode of delivery:
Online Read more
Soustvarjanje pomo?i družinam v skupnosti
Language:Slovene Operating domain:
Community, Family Target group:
Family Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Adolescence competences promotion, Child competences promotion, Community development, Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Standard Triple P/Standard Triplo P
Language:Portuguese Operating domain:
Community, Family, Individual Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing child behavioural problems, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
START Profesně-rozvojová skupina pro rodiče po rodičovské dovolené/Professional development group for parents after parental leave
Language:Czech Operating domain:
Family, Individual Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Target outcome:
Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
STEPS - Skupinový terapeuticko-eduka?ní program pro sourozence d?tí s poruchami autistického spektra (Group therapeutic educational program for siblings of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder)
Language:Czech Operating domain:
Family, Inclusion, Individual Target group:
Children, Family, Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing child behavioural problems Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Structural-strategic family therapy. Terapia familiar estructural-estratégica
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Family Target group:
Family Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing adolescence behavioural problems, Reducing child behavioural problems Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
The Career Bridge
Language:Czech Operating domain:
Family, Individual Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Target outcome:
Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
The Rational Positive Parenting Program / REThink Parenting – The Rational Parenting Coach app
Language:Romanian Operating domain:
Target group:
Target age of children:
Target outcome:
Mode of delivery:
Read more
The Strenghtening Families Program (SFP) Krepitev družin na podro?ju prepre?evanja tveganih vedenj
Language:English Operating domain:
Education (School), Family, Health, Inclusion, Individual Target group:
Children, Family, Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing child behavioural problems, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Triple P Positive Parenting Program
Language:Dutch Operating domain:
Community, Family, Health, Individual Target group:
Children, Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Adolescence competences promotion, Child competences promotion, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing adolescence behavioural problems, Reducing adolescence delinquency, Reducing child behavioural problems, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Mixed (Online + face-to-face activities) Read more
Tryggare barn / safer children
Language:Swedish Operating domain:
Family, Health Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing child behavioural problems Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Trygghetscirkeln (COS-P)
Language:Swedish Operating domain:
Family Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9) Target outcome:
Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Un villaggio per crescere - A village to grow together
Language:Italian Operating domain:
Community, Culture, Family, Inclusion Target group:
Children, Community, Family, Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Community development, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion Mode of delivery:
Mixed (Online + face-to-face activities) Read more
Una famiglia per una famiglia
Language:Italian Operating domain:
Community, Family, Inclusion, Individual Target group:
Family Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Adolescence competences promotion, Child competences promotion, Community development, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion Mode of delivery:
Mixed (Online + face-to-face activities) Read more
Unique Minds. Mentes Únicas
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Education (School), Family, Individual Target group:
Children, Parents Target age of children:
Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing child behavioural problems Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Vacaciones en familia
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Family Target group:
Family Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Community development Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Vědomé rodičovství (Conscious parenting)
Language:Czech Operating domain:
Family, Individual Target group:
Target age of children:
Target outcome:
Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Video-feedback Intervention to Promote Positive Parenting and Sensitive Discipline (VIPP-SD)
Language:Dutch Operating domain:
Family, Individual, Other Target group:
Children, Other, Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5), Middle Childhood (6-9) Target outcome:
Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing child behavioural problems Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Videofeedback Intervention to Promote Positive Parenting and Sensitive Discipline (VIPP-SD)
Language:Portuguese Operating domain:
Individual Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing child behavioural problems, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Vivir la Adolescencia en Familia
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Education (School), Family Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Adolescence competences promotion, Child competences promotion, Educational skills and attainment, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Vivir la Adolescencia en Familia/Viver a Adolescência em Família
Language:Portuguese Operating domain:
Family Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Adolescence competences promotion, Educational skills and attainment, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing adolescence behavioural problems, Reducing child behavioural problems Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Language:Dutch Operating domain:
Community, Family, Health, Individual Target group:
Children, Family, Parents Target age of children:
Early Childhood (0-5) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Výchova bez poražených (P.E.T. - Parent Effectiveness Training)
Language:Czech Operating domain:
Family, Individual Target group:
Parents Target age of children:
Target outcome:
Physical and emotional wellbeing, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing child behavioural problems, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Yo cuento, tú pintas, ella suma
Language:Spanish Operating domain:
Family, Gender, Health Target group:
Children, Family Target age of children:
Middle Childhood (6-9), Preadolescence (10-12) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Educational skills and attainment, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Reducing child behavioural problems Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Youth program
Language:Latvian Operating domain:
Family, Gender, Health, Individual Target group:
Children Target age of children:
Adolescence (13-18) Target outcome:
Child competences promotion, Physical and emotional wellbeing, Reducing adolescence behavioural problems, Reducing child behavioural problems Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more
Zvládání vzteku / Coping with anger
Language:Czech Operating domain:
Individual Target group:
Couple, Parents Target age of children:
Target outcome:
Positive couple relationships, Positive parenting promotion, Reducing neglect or abusive parenting Mode of delivery:
Face-to-face Read more